Download the call for papers (PDF) - conference flyer (PDF) - poster (PDF)
We have the great pleasure to invite you to the International Conference Surveillance 7. The conference will be held on October 29-30, 2013 at the Institute of Technology of Chartres, France.
This 7th issue of the Surveillance Conference series follows the last to be held, Surveillance 6, in 2011.
Focused on the same scope, this conference is devoted to all topics related to acoustical and vibration methods development and applications for surveillance and diagnostics:
1. Machines (Mechanical components, design,…)
2. Vibrations & Acoustics (Linear and non linear modelling and identification, non stationary models,…)
3. Numerical Modelling (Finite Elements Methods, models for diagnostics, model updating, cracks models,…)
4. Measurement and Testing Techniques (Sensors and instrumentation, smart sensors, data acquisition and transfer, emerging technologies, smart structures,…)
5. Signal Processing, Model Identification (Detection, estimation, time frequency techniques, higher order statistics, cyclostationarity, source separation,…)
6. Diagnosis Techniques (Structural Health Monitoring, Non-Destructive Testing,…)
7. Surveillance Techniques (Fuzzy, neural networks, genetic algorithms, innovation detection, data mining,...)
8. Predictive Maintenance, Condition Monitoring and Prognosis (Risk and reliability, statistics, probabilistic methods, Markov-chains,…)
9. Industrial Applications and Case Studies (Gears, rolling element bearings, electric machines, internal combustion engines, turbines, wind mills,…)
Please visit the conference website at for all information on Surveillance 7 and paper submission.
The conference official language is English.
Important deadlines (Updated!)
- Electronic submission of 1-page abstract: March 31, 2013 April 15, 2013 April 30, 2013 - Notification of acceptance: June 1rst, 2013 - Full-length paper electronic submission: September 15, 2013 - Early registration: until August 31, 2013
General chair: Philippe Ravier, University of Orléans, Alain Kavenoky, President of Société Française des Mécaniciens (SFM), Scientific committee chair: Simon Braun, Israel Institute of Technology, Jérôme Antoni, INSA de Lyon, France,