Surveillance 7

Surveillance 7
International Conference - October 29-30, 2013
Institute of Technology of Chartres, France

SFM - PRISME - IUT of Chartres - University of Orleans


Dear participants, a Surveillance7 bus will make a ride every morning to pick up the conference attendees, as well as on Tuesday evening after the gala dinner to drive them back to their hotels. The route scheduled for the 29th morning tour is the following one:

  1. 08:00 –  BB Chartres 1 - 3 Rue de la Maladrerie, 28630 Le Coudray
  2. 08:15 –  Campanile - 1 Allée Prométhée, 28000 Chartres
  3. 08:30 – IBIS Chartres Centre - 14 Place Drouaise, 28000 Chartres
  4. 08:40 – Grand Monarque - 22 Place des Epars, 28000 Chartres
  5. Conference venue – IUT de Chartres – 1 Place Roger Joly – 28000 Chartres

Please note that the bus will stick to the schedule, and we recommend that you stand at the stop a few minutes before the bus time.

BUS Stop Map

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